Boating Safety & Education

The Bureau of Land Management’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Since 1939 the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary has safeguarded our Nation’s maritime interests in the heartland, in the ports, at sea, and around the globe. Members from all walks of life bring their training and experience as a member of the uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard.


Since 1959 the Utah State Parks Boating Program has served to preserve and maintain quality for the best possible boating experiences on Utah’s waterways. The program embraces passionate boating enthusiasts as team members to coordinate and enhance safety, education, and facilities to protect waters for your future boating generations.

We work hard for you!

Our efforts are funded through boat registration fees, state taxes on gasoline used in motorboats, and federal recreational boating safety funds.


The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a way to have an angling adventure and support our native trout legacy. For just $20, you can register to embark on the challenge. Money raised will be used to help fund native cutthroat trout conservation projects across the state. Can you catch and release each of the four Utah cutthroat trout subspecies in their native waters?”

Cutthroat trout are beautiful, live in pristine environments and are the only trout native to Utah and much of the Rocky Mountain region. Help Trout Unlimited and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources protect this natural treasure.

In 1973 the Wyoming Game and Fish Department was created.  Before this time, all Game and Fish personnel were employees of the Commission.  The Commission became the decision making body appointed by the Governor to oversee the policies and decisions of the Game and Fish Department.  This relationship between the Commission and Department still exists today, with seven Commissioners serving for six-year terms.  Currently the Game and Fish Department employees over 350 personnel and are statutorily required to manage over 800 species of wildlife across Wyoming.  In 1930, there were 86 moose taken in Wyoming, in 1961, there were 776.  Though declines have occurred hunters continue to harvest just over 460.  The same trend is followed for antelope, deer and elk.  Populations will continue to rise and fall over the future of Wyoming, but one thing is certain, the Wyoming Game and Fish will continue to conserve wildlife and serve people.

Wyoming’s wealth of fish and wildlife is the result of sportsmen and women who have paid for it’s management through licenses fees since the creation of the Game and Fish Commission inception in 1921.